👼 Angel 😠 Angry 🐻 Bear 🐦 Bird 😊 Blushing 😻 Cat 😀 Cheerful 😕 Confused 😐 Crazy 😱 Creepy 😭 Cry 😘 Cute 💃 Dance 💀 Dead 😌 Depressed 🐕 Dog ヽ༼* _ *༽ノ Donger 🍖 Eating 👺 Evil 😛 Excited 👊 Fighting 🐟 Fish 😋 Flirty 🌹 Flower 🔫 Guns 😀 Happy ❤️ Heart 😒 Helpless 😎 Hiding Hugging 💔 Hurt 😂 Joy 💏 Kiss 😀 Laughing 💝 Love ╭∩╮ Middle Finger 👯 Mobs 🎵 Music 😣 Nervous 🐼 Panda 🎉 Party 🐖 Pig 🏃 Running 😔 Sad 😮 Scared 😜 Shy 😴 Sleeping 🕷️ Spider 🎳 Sports 😎 Sunglasses 😅 Surprised Sword ┗─┛ Table Flipping 🙏 Thankful 💭Thinking 👍Thumbs Up 😲 Vomit 😉 Wink 😶 Worried

Nervous Emoticon Text Emojis

The nervous emoticon is a representation of a person's feelings like  worried, uneasy, or apprehensive. Click on any nervous emoji copy and paste on any digital platform. Nervous symbol is commonly used in online conversations, mainly in text-based conversations, to express emotions like nervousness or unease.

Nervous Hug
ლ( ˚╭╮˚ლ )
Upset Man
Upset Guy
Worried Smug
(* ´Å`*)
Fantastic Nervous
Nervous for Kiss
(✿-。-;)(˘ε˘ ˶ )
Nervous Shaking
:;(ಠ ´﹏ `ಠ);:
Cute Upset Face
Really Upset Girl
Nervous Happiness
(‘ ~`* )
Nervous Shrugging
Nervous Salute
Nervous Spider
/╲/\╭[◉ ﹏ ◉]╮/\╱\
Worried and Upset
( ;・○・)
Kissing Nervous
(✿ ˘ ³˘)♥
Nervous Face
Confused Nervous
Sweating Nervous
⚆ ᗝ ⚆
Weird Nervous
つ(۞ ⌓۞)つ
Cry Nervous
[☍ ﹏ ⁰]
Nervous Boy
Nervous Face
Nervous Laugh
Very Nervous
Nervous Sweating
Desperate Nervous
A Little Sad
Shrugging Nervous
╮(ଵ∀ଵ; )╭
Curious Nervous
( 〃 .д.)
Desperating Nervous
(;● ﹏ ●)b
Nervous Guy
Nervous Shrug
ヽ(゜ ▽゜o)ノ
Pretty Nervous
Nervous Man
(〃ຶ ⌂〃ຶ)
Serious and Nervous
(•ω• )
Really Scared
Kind of Nervous
Feeling Upset
Some Nervous Guy
Nervous Sad Man
Upset Man Running
─=≡Σ( ^‸^)┘
Nervous at Love
( ͡°。 ͡°)❥
Nervous Blush Face
◟ (๑´・_・`๑)◞
Nervous Man Saluting
Small Eyes Nervous
(˚ ﹏ ˚)
Nervous Boy Face
ԅ[ •́ ▱ •̀ ]و
Triangle Nervous Face
(/O △ O\)
Big Eyes Nervous
(⊚ .⊚)
Nervous Bad Face
Surprised and Nervous
Sad and Nervous
Square Mouth Nervous
(一 . 一)
Kind of Upset
( ;゜∀゜)
Love Drives Me Nervous
Half Face Nervous
) ﹏⊂)
Rare Mouth Nervous
ゞ (゚д゚ ) ヾ
Nervous and Insecure
(*⊙ ﹏ ⊙)
Feeling Nervous
Nervous and Tired
Square Upset Guy
(σ‸σ ;)
Nervous and Amazed
( ᵅั ௰ᵅั;)
Secure but Nervous
Sad and Nervous Boy
(・Θ・; )
Kind of Nervous Boy
Upset Girl
(✿•̀︿•́ )
Big Nervous Boy
So Nervous Scared Person
(⁽⁽ ⁰ ⁾⁾ ﹏ ⁽⁽ ⁰ ⁾ ⁾)
Nervous Tired Guy
Amazed and Nervous Boy
( ⊙д⊙)
Upset Flipping
( /òДò)/~ ╧╧
She is Nervous
ξ(✿ ❛ε❛)
She Makes Me Nervous
( ・ω・)(◕ ᵕ ◕✿)
Upset Face
(; ; >_<)
Nervous for a Kiss
( ˶˘ ³˘(●ε●˶ )
Big Eyes Nervous Guy
Bit Nervous About It
Totally Upset
ᕕ( ཀ ゝ ཀ)ᕗ
So Nervous and Shy
(/⁰ 。⁰\ )
Feeling So Upset
I'm Blushed and Nervous
Pretty Nervous
Nervous for My First Kiss
Serious Upset
Pretty Upset
Big Nervous Guy
Magic Makes Nervous
♨= ^ ﹏ ^ =♨
Feeling Fine but Upset
(^u^; )
So Upset
Run Sweat Face
(` Д` );;
Big Insecures
(* ̄ 台 ̄*)
Happy and Worried
So Nervous and Running
ε=ε=( ^ Д^)ノ
So Upset Man
Mad and Upset
( ̄_ ̄)

. . . End . . .

. . . . . .

Next page

Information about the nervous text emojis

The specific meaning of the uneasy face emoticon can differ depending on the context and the individuals involved, but generally, it represents feelings of anxious or uncertainty. The nervous emoticon typically consists of a colon (:), forward slash (/), a backward slash ( \),  to represent a nervous emoticon.  It can represent a person feeling uneasy and worried about a particular situation.

Examples of nervous emoticon with their meanings

Here are some examples of nervous emoticons and their meanings:

  1. (O⍘O): This emoticon represents a person feeling worried and nervous at the same time. The "O" represents wide open eyes, and the ‘⍘’  symbol represent the sense of confusion or worry.
  2. (;-。-;): This emoticon conveys a combination of uneasy, worry, and nervousness. The semicolons (;) represent teardrops, and the dashes (-) represent a sense of unease.
  3. (˚~˚’!): This emoticon expresses a feeling of shock with nervousness. The ‘˚’ symbols represent eyes, and the tilde (~) and exclamation mark (!) indicate a sense of anxiety.
  4. (˚╭╮˚): This emoticon typically shows a person feeling nervous and embarrassed. The ‘˚’ symbols represent eyes, and the ‘╭╮’ signifies the mouth.